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Where to start?

“Home Sweet Home” yes! That is exactly what it should always be, sweet. Your home should always make you feel welcomed and safe like no other place in the world, not even your mom’s :)

No matter how big or small, this is where the real you shine, your comfort zone, so make it your own! be creative and experiment, don’t get comfortable with what was given to you, it is your personal space after all and it should represent who you are.

When thinking of remodeling It is very easy to fall into the new trends and styles, we even sometimes decorate a space thinking that it should match a single piece of furniture we have, but think about it, there are many different characteristics that makes us unique and special like no other person in the world so why should we stick to one “style” when it come to our home?

Interior design and remodeling lets you create the space that perfectly fits to your needs, and understanding the concepts can be very overwhelming, so take you time, make some research, gather ideas and find the professionals you need in order to make your idea a reality.

Today I want to give you some useful information to a good start!

1. Be Smart: start by thinking about what you already have; how does it work for you? What really bothers you? Is it the color, or perhaps the clutter? Do you need a bigger space? Or in fact a different material on the floors and walls… all of this questions must be answered before you begin your research so you can go straight to find the best ideas that will give you the inspiration you need.

2. Know your Wallet: only you know what budget you have for the next project, so search for professionals in your area and get FREE ESTIMATES. They will tell you exactly what to expect and will probably give you other ideas to save you some money.

3. Be realistic: all the amazing ideas that you gathered might not work the same way in your home, but being open minded will let use those ideas to create the most stunning space that works for you.

4. Take it slow: be patient because remodeling is an intricate process, if you rush it, it will be very likely that something will go wrong and that means more time for you to gather new material or the professional figuring out how to fix it and finish ASAP, which only means more stress.

At Quadrati Inc we specialize in custom interior renovations providing our clients with a wide range of possibilities to create a stunning space for your home, where your creativity is the limit! We strive to provide you with the highest quality in customer service and finished product. Our team of experts have been carefully trained to care for our clients’ homes and make the experience of a remodeling job as smooth as possible while taking care of every detail.

We are very proud of what we do and believe that our knowledge and experience can lead you to your success!

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